Sunrise over an icy lake

Reflections and New Directions

Are you one of those people that see the shortened days as a reason to reflect on the year and identify ways to want to grow? I don’t mean resolutions which are too easily broken. I mean intentions.

I am and I’ve been thinking about what we do well here and how we want to grow.

I love that we work closely with writers and we stay in touch. Some of the writers end up working with me on developmental editing or increasing the visibility of their work. I am so grateful for these partnerships. I am going to introduce monthly tips. If you subscribe to Tangled Locks Journal, you will get notifications when new posts are published.

I love that we are very focused on visuals, in 2022 I am going to explore ways to get calls for submissions out to artists. If you are an artist and want to be in the loop, please reach out!

I don’t love that we are working on too short of a timeline. I need to change our workflow and time publications differently. Our 2023 issue publication will be on the seventh of January, April, July, and October for the full quarterly issues. Submissions will close one month earlier. That gives writers extra time to gather their materials and complete acceptance and aligns us well with some promotional deadlines. We will be working up a schedule for the MoonBites.

We are going to start nominating work for awards in 2023 and we are going to be bringing visibility to writers and their work during special awareness periods. We will be setting up a system to do that with the acceptance process.

We are changing how we promote work by adding new social media platforms. In addition to FaceBook, Twitter, and LinkedIn we will also be posting to Post.News and Mastodon and will be announcing publications to my substack accounts. We also have subscribers here on the Tangled Locks Journal site and they receive notifications upon publications.

Thanks for being a part of our community of writers and readers!

Header photo by by Gerald Berliner on Unsplash

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